Interview with Mook from Thailand

, Języki obce, Aktualności

Interview with Mook from Thailand 


Hi, we would like to ask you a couple of questions. Do you mind if we record this interview?

M: No, it’s fine.

Why did you come to Poland?

M: Because of AIESEC organization. I realised I could use my skills to educate young people abroad and tell them about Thai country and culture.

Do you like Cracow?  

M: Oh, I love it. I love people here and the food; visiting Cracow makes me feel happy and gives a lot of fun.

Could you tell us something about your country?

M:  Thai people, Thai food. Thai people are interesting, you can have a great time with us. Thai food is amazing, too.

What do you do in Thailand?

 M: I’m working in hospital as a pharmacist.

What do you do in your free time?

M:  I enjoy reading Harry Potter books, also - The Lord of the Rings. I like surfing the Internet and googling interesting information. I love using social networks.

Have you got brothers or sisters ?

M: I have a brother and a sister and I have a dog.

Do you do any sports?

M: I like yoga. When I do yoga I feel like a Victoria’s Secret model and this is my dream to be one.

Have you ever been to Poland?

M: No it’s my first time in Poland.  It’s a great opportunity for me to be in Cracow. People are something different than in Thailand.

What’s your favorite traditional Polish food?  

 M: Pierogi. I like everything in pierogi. They are tasty and have delicious fillings. Polish food is amazing. When I eat it I can’t stop.

Do you know any Polish words?

M: Dziękuję, Smacznego, Do widzenia, Dobranoc, kot, pies, tak, nie, Cześć, Dzień  dobry.


        ( by Wiktoria Nowak, Kamila Rachwalik and Julia Rundsztuk, Year 3, June 2016)